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Get to Know Us

Curious about the minds behind the art? Take a sneak peak into the artist experience fueling the pieces you see here at Snake & Sun. 


I've struggled writing an "About Us" for Snake & Sun for some time now. How do I encapsulate something so effervescent and timeless into language? How do I begin to name something nameless - knowing that naming it inevitably mutates it. Snake & Sun is the brainchild of many lifetimes. A commentary on human experience. An expression of the senses, arts, of joy and pain, love, connection, sensuality and even hate. I want nothing more than for the work we do to stir something up inside of you. Art is intended to make you feel something. I hope this makes you feel.  -Kas

Meet the Artists

An Image of the Owner sitting in a field of wildflowers, smiling, and looking off camera.

Kas Leckie

"When I hugged you, I got sand in my eye." 


Is it possible to determine when my journey as an artist began? I started swimming at 3 months old, it's safe to say that's about when I started creating. I discovered at an early age the escape that could be found inside of my art, and as a young adult those lessons proved indispensable. My creations sustained me through experiences I wasn't sure I'd ever escape, then I learned the healing potential of pouring my experiences into art. 


Wanderer by nature, practicing occultist, herbalist, cat dad, entrepreneur. I attribute my current existence to discovering natural medicine and esotericism.  


How much of me is trapped by "I Am?" 

I am Trailer Trash, low class. I am Broken, shards of glass. I am Queer, social pariah. I am Victim, street rat Messiah.

How much are we trapped by perception?

I am God, my breath the breeze. I am Nature, bog and beach. I am Toxic, poison in your veins. I am You, and all the universe contains. 

How much are we trapped by the limitations we place?

Mindset structures form the foundations of all we chase. 

I am in chains. I am in pain. I am sacrifice and balance. I am love and I am hate. 

You ask who am I? 

I am human.


Photography by Ell Loving of EllementalExposures.

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An Image of a Snake & Sun Contributor looking off camera with an orange tabby asleep in their lap.


Addict. Artist. Asshole.


A mixture of the busted pipe leaking accountability that is my voice, being an undiagnosed AuDHD kid, and everyone around me being unwilling to learn or change made for a rough childhood. That’s where the writing started. It never left my spirit even as I endured trauma after trauma and then learned addiction after addiction. Writing highly personal, diary entry style poems helped keep me alive, publicizing them has transmuted my energy. A Carolina mountain girl turned swamp brat, the sun is divinity to me, the moon holds a special space in my heart, the winds whisper the secrets of the universe to me, and the stars hypnotize me and call to me.


Fun Facts about LilyPad
  • She coexists with six cats.

  • She has been every letter of the LGBTQIA at some point.

  • She loves tossing salad at all the John Ceaser and the Ceaser Salad shows 

  • Her favorite natural item collection is her jar of cat whiskers. 

  • She also collects unnatural items such as unusual vinyl records, ticket stubs, wristbands, set lists, and flyers.

  • When sick, she likes to binge watch Bojack Horseman and play Stardew Valley on her phone until fully recovered.

  • She thinks oat milk is the best milk, will talk for at least 10 minutes about how bad dairy milk is for the human body if given the chance.

  • She will listen to the same song all day long, all week, all month long if it’s hitting right.


Follow LilyPad on Instagram and TikTok


to see her most recent and upcoming work!

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